

Plumbing Repair & Installation

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A septic system is installed on some homes and properties, while others are connected to the city's main sewer system. You may be wondering and worried about the environmental effects if you are considering septic tank installation or buying a home with a septic system. Although most of us don't give it much attention, we must be accountable for our waste and make sure that it is treated as sustainably as possible if we want to safeguard our ecosystem and ensure its sustainability.


What Are Septic Systems?

Septic systems are underground wastewater treatment systems that are typically found in locations where centralized sewer systems are difficult to reach. The proper operation of society depends on septic systems. This is due to the fact that they shield us and other living things from harmful diseases, thereby preserving our health. Drinking water and groundwater might become contaminated if our homes' septic systems aren't operating correctly. Many health problems, including encephalitis, gastroenteritis, parasite infections, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, and many more, can affect those who are exposed to contaminated water. In order to guarantee the prompt disposal of both liquid and solid waste from your septic system, it is the responsibility of homeowners to deal with the regular maintenance of the septic system, especially septic tank pumping and septic tank repairs, before they grow into major issues.

Groundwater Contamination

Groundwater contamination can occur from improperly planned, built, or maintained septic systems. Groundwater, which is soaked into the rock and soil beneath our feet, serves as a primary supply of drinking water.  Public water sources and private wells can become contaminated by septic systems that discharge pollutants (chemicals, bacteria, viruses) into the groundwater.

Surface Water Contamination

Surface water features, including rivers, lakes, and streams, can also become contaminated by septic systems. Pollution of surface water can arise from septic tanks situated too close to bodies of water or from septic system effluent seeping into the water. Regular maintainance will prevent contamination of water sources like these.

Soil Contamination

Soil contamination is another issue with septic system effluent. Septic tanks placed too near to the soil's surface or effluent from them seeping into the ground can lead to soil contamination. Septic tank cleaning will also prevent soil contamination.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A powerful greenhouse gas called methane can be produced by neglected septic tanks. To lessen the impact of climate change, regular maintenance helps reduce the amount of these gases released into the environment.

Importance of Maintainance

Emptying the septic tank on a regular basis helps protect the property from the possibility of an overflow situation. It clears blockages from your sinks, pipes, and toilets. It also facilitates smoother operation of the drain field. If you ignore the problem, it will not only negatively impact your health but also deplete your finances. Thankfully, New Era Plumbing & Septic is a septic company that offers various services regarding your septic tank. We know how essential this system is and do our best to help you maintain it. To learn more, give us a call right now!


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